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Baba Ghanoush

Baba Ghanoush

Hey, it’s summer here, which means the grill is out and if that grill is out, why not throw an eggplant on there and make some creamy, smoky baba ganoush? I love me some baba, as we call it in my house, but it can be hard to find it in the grocery store and that which you do find often tastes indistinguishable from hummus. This baba tastes like what you’d order at a Middle Eastern restaurant: rich, creamy and with a hint of smokiness, brought to us via the grill. If you don’t have a grill, roasting the eggplant in rounds until soft would be a perfect alternative.


Baba Ghanoush
1 Italian (globe) eggplant
¼ cup tahini
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 ½ tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon cumin powder
Salt and pepper to taste
Italian or curly parsley to sprinkle on top (optional), minced

Place the eggplant directly on a hot grill, turning with tongs every 10 – 12 minutes until blackened all over, about 30 – 35 minutes. Cool, and scoop the flesh into a food processor, being careful to avoid including any charred skin. Add the rest of the ingredients except for the parsley and process until it’s the desired consistency. Adjust seasonings. Sprinkle with parsley. If you allow to sit for an hour or more, the flavor will develop more.

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