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Chocolate-Mint Matcha Milk Tea

Chocolate-Mint Matcha Milk Tea
Looking for a gentle, warming pick-me-up that’s not coffee? Give matcha a try. Matcha powder is made from antioxidant-rich green tea leaves that have been finely ground; combine it with a bit of cocoa and some subtly sweetened non-dairy milk for a little indulgent boost any time of the day. During the warm months, this can also be delicious over ice.


Chocolate-Mint Matcha Milk Tea

Serves two

3 cups plain, unsweetened non-dairy milk (I used cashew)
2 tablespoons Fair Trade vegan cocoa powder or cacao powder
2 tablespoons maple syrup
2 teaspoons matcha powder
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon peppermint extract

Warm the milk on the stove until the temperature of a good hot chocolate, pour in a blender and add the other ingredients. Blend for 30 seconds or so, pour and enjoy.

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