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Bathtime Kids Shampoo and Body Wash
by Marla Rose and Justice Beske
particular perk to receiving personal care products to review is that
my 12-year-old son is required to take one for the team and actually
take a shower. This means that I am winning. Recently, we got Squeeky Clean shampoo and Top to Toe body wash from Bathtime Baby and Bathtime Kids,
an independent vegan company that sells natural bath, skin, and hair
care products. Developed by a doctor of aesthetic medicine, in addition
to being cruelty-free, the whole line is also paraben-free, propylene
glycol-free, hypoallergenic and phthalate and
petroleum-distilates-free, so it’s exceptionally safe and gentle for
all skin types. Even the bottles are BPA-free.
The proof is in the pudding, though: what did my freshly laundered son think?
Me: So, can you tell us what your showering experience was like?
Justice: The shampoo felt great: it bubbled a lot and it smelled good.
Me: Good? Like what? Could you elaborate?
Justice: Um, like lilacs or flowers but not too strong. I don’t know. Not too flowery but just enough.
Me: How about the body wash?
Justice: It
smelled like the shampoo and I liked the way that smelled so it worked
well together. It didn’t clash. It was fine. It was nice.
Me: Is there anything you would like to add to your showering experience that was not included with the shampoo and body wash?
Justice: Hmm…not really. A laser dragon maybe?
Me: Is there anything different about these products?
Justice: They
felt great, it felt like a great shower. It was nice to try
something new. I, uh, don’t know what else to say. (Looks at his
iPad longingly.)
Overhearing the interview, the other parent (John) added, “I am not a
child, but I used the shampoo myself this morning and my hair is all
soft and fluffy.” (I laughed.)
“Well, it is,” he said, fluffing his hair.
So there you have it, kid and husband-approved. It smells like
flowers (but not too much), it lathers nicely and it leaves hair soft
and fluffy. What more could you want?
Check Bathtime Baby and Bathtime Kids out for natural personal care products and please show this responsible and ethical company some love on Facebook.

Vegan Street received this product for free to review and this was my honest evaluation.
2013, 2014, Vegan Street

