
Meet America's First Vegan Superhero - The Adventures of Vivian Sharpe, Vegan Superhero
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Vegan Street: The Community Web Portal of Marla Rose and John Beske

Product Reviews

Vegan Street Reviews Save the Duck Coats

Vegan Street Reviews a Save the Duck Coat
by Marla Rose

I never thought I’d say the following five words, but I am saying them now: I can’t wait until winter. That’s right. I can’t stand the cold and the snow and the dreariness but I can’t wait to face winter with my new Save the Duck and show it who’s boss in style! Soft, lightweight but made with high-definition nylon and the most luxe, dreamy collar that lifts up against Chicago’s strongest winds, I feel truly prepared this winter. Best of all, Italy-based Save the Duck doesn’t use cruelly-obtained down feathers or any other animal parts in their coat lines: all is entirely, proudly vegan and also committed to sustainability! Oh, I am so excited. This coat is the Iris from their new collection. You must check out these gorgeous coats - these are not your mother’s puffy coats - and this great company!

Vegan Street received this product for free to review and this was my honest evaluation.

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