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Sweet Orange Mood Booster Room Spray

Sweet Orange Mood Booster Room Spray

According to recent research shared by Dr. Michael Greger, sweet orange essential oil may be able to both reduce anxiety and give us the energetic boost not often associated with sedatives. Combining that sweet citrus scent with fresh, uplifting peppermint, and we have an all-natural air freshener that also serves to boost our spirits.

After a long, very snowy winter, I know that I am in need of some mood boosting. Try this room spray whenever you are in the need of a lift. You can make it for pennies, instead of buying a product that is expensive and often made with harmful chemicals, and it’s all natural. After the initial cost of the essential oils, you can get many more uses out of them.

Spritzer bottle
Funnel (optional)
8 ounces distilled water
30 drops sweet orange essential oil
20 drops peppermint essential oil

Mix together the water and essential oils in the bottle. You may want to use the funnel to keep the water from spilling as you pour it into the bottle. Shake and enjoy.

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