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Tropical Green Shake

Tropical Green Shake

I developed this recipe recently, intoxicated by some beautiful spring days that got me in the mood for something a little tangy, sweet and creamy. The spinach gives it a little extra nutritional boost. This drink hits all the right notes, creating something you might sip on the beach in Negril or even your own back yard when you want to get away from it all. This is also perfect for a spring or summer brunch and pretty with some fresh mint on top.


Tropical Green Shake

3 dates, soaked in hot water for ten minutes and pitted
½ ripe avocado
1 – 2 oranges, mandarins or tangelos, peeled
Juice from ½ lime
1 cup spinach
1 cup frozen mango
1 ½ cups water or coconut water
5 – 6 ice cubes

Place all the ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.

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