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Apple Pomegranate Tart with Cashew Cream Cheese
didn’t grow in a religious home but we did celebrate the holidays and
Rosh Hashanah was among my favorites because a) it didn’t involve
fasting b) there were no weird dietary restrictions and c) it was a fun
holiday but also, as the beginning of the Jewish new year, a chance to
look within, take an inventory of the previous year, make amends and
set goals for the next year. As someone who has always loved her lists
and her fresh starts, Rosh Hashanah has always appealed to me.
Like many new year traditions, Rosh Hashanah has its share of customary
or symbolic foods that are used to help stack the deck toward good luck
in the coming year. Apples and honey are traditional foods for the
holiday, thought to usher in a sweet new year. As vegans, we don’t use
honey (also, as ecological stewards, we try to protect these vulnerable pollinators)
so maple syrup is a perfect swap here, especially with the fall upon
us, used in the cashew cream cheese middle. Pomegranate seeds,
gorgeous, tart little garnet-colored jewels, also are traditional on
the Rosh Hashanah table, symbolizing fruitfulness and abundance. (Use this method for the simplest way to release seeds from your pomegranate, as well as a little extra aggression along with them.)
While there are a number of steps, this is still a super easy dessert
to make and it creates a lovely presentation. I recommend using a tart
pan for this, the kind with the detachable bottom, to not muck up your
finished tart, but if you don’t have one, don’t worry. It will still
work. The final tart is creamy, a little tangy and luscious, and it can
be served either warm or cold, but is I think it is best cold. I hope you enjoy it as
much as we did.
Apple Pomegranate Tart with Cashew Cream Cheese
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
Soak 1 cup of raw cashews in hot water to cover for one hour.
2 cups pecans, unsalted
1 cup medjool dates, pits removed
2 teaspoons vanilla
Dash of salt

Pulse the pecans in a food processor until they are crumbled small. Add
the dates, vanilla and salt, and process until combined. When pressed
between the fingers, this should hold together. If it doesn’t, add some
more dates or a little bit of water.

Press evenly into the bottom and the sides of a 9-inch tart pan. Greasing the pan is not necessary.
Cashew Cream Cheese
1 cup raw cashews, soaked as described above
½ cup water
¼ cup pure maple syrup
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Pinch of salt

Add the soaked and drained cashews, water, maple
syrup, lemon juice, vanilla and salt to a high-speed blender. Blend,
baby, blend until it’s smooth, about one minute. If you don’t have a
high-speed blender, just blend longer. It may not result in as smooth a
cream cheese, but, hey, that’s okay. It’ll still taste great.

Apples and Glaze
Four apples, peeled* and sliced thin (I used Gala)
1/2 cup apricot jam
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Over the top of the cream cheese layer in the tart
pan, layer your apples. I enjoyed making this as a spiral, but whatever
your prefer will work great. You should have about two layers of
apples. Mix together the jam, maple syrup, lemon juice and vanilla in a
small bowl or a measuring cup. Gently dab this over the top of the apples
using a pastry brush. Cover the surface of the tart
with the glaze.

Bake for one hour.
Pomegranate Seeds
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1/4 - 1/3 cup pomegranate seeds

After one hour, remove the tart from the oven and
brush with the maple syrup. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds over the top and
bake for five minutes more.

You’re done! Refrigerate for a couple of hours to serve cold or eat it warm.

*Looking for something to do with those peels? Apple peels, especially
organic ones, still have some life in them and don’t need to be wasted.
Check this out for ideas.
2013, 2014, Vegan Street

