The Vegan Gift Guide This is a special guest post from Emily Wood of Vegan Pregnancy & Parenting where she shares the perfect vegan gifts of the awesome plant-based men and women in your life.

The Vegan Street Guide for New Vegans Any
given time of the year, there are lots of people in the working through
their vegan infancy. If you’ve been at it for a few weeks, you might be
losing your resolve about now. On the bright side,
you’ve got good company. On the less than positive side, struggling is
never fun. We hope this helps you find your way through the rough
patches. |
Dining Out Guide for Vegans From
my many conversations with people over the years, I know that of the
challenges people often feel worried about as they are transitioning to
veganism, dining at restaurants is near the top of the list. But we are light years from what the
dining out scene was like when I first went vegan and while there is
much room to improve, there is also no going back. |

A Very Vegan Passover It’s
Passover and Passover is all about liberation, commemorating when the
Israelites were delivered from slavery and persecution in Egypt and it
is perhaps the most solemn of the Jewish holidays. Here is a
collection of recipes to take you through the Passover holiday, perfect
for seders or just at home. |

A celebration of St. Patrick's Day recipes
am one of those rare people in the U.S. who is not one iota Irish but I
still know an opportunity to glom on to a holiday and find a way to
bring vegan cheer to it. I’ve collected some recipes for your St.
Patrick’s Day celebration, or simply some Irish-inspired recipes that
help you to enjoy your green spirit. |

10 Diametrically Oppositional Arguments Against Veganism that Make My Head Explode
of the more maddening aspects of interacting with the public about our
veganism is the strange but very common phenomenon of being asked to
accept two diametrically opposed ideas and beliefs as accurate or true.
Here are ten of them...

The 12 Vegan Christmases
a Sanctuary Song
We've taken a popular holiday song and added new lyrics that will relate to compassionate kids of all ages.
It Takes a Village to Find a Cat
(or Where to Look for a Kitten When You've Lost All Hope)
week, we lost our kitten. Because I cannot bear causing you worry,
gentle reader, I am going to break a key storytelling rule and tell you right at the
beginning that Clara Bow was found the next day and that she is safe
and sound and back to waging an endlessly-amusing-to-her battle against
our other cat’s tail. |
Ghoulish Vegan Halloween Treats
Halloween, and we've scoured the Internet looking for the most
delicious, unique and fun dishes and treats for your Halloween table.
Bwa-ha-ha! |
The Vegan Street Recipe Guide to Autumn Produce
Before winter takes hold, we have a bounty of lovely autumn produce to
enjoy. Whether it’s just coming up now, like apples, or in its glorious
second wave, like kale, we have no shortage of variety and with cooler
weather, less of an aversion to turning on the stove. From hearty root
vegetables and winter squashes to hot peppers and leeks, here are
some autumnal superstars and recipe ideas to bring in the new season of
delicious enjoyment.

Dissection: Cutting it out of Education
Jodie Wiederkehr of the Center for Ethical Science is helping to move us beyond dissection and toward a more accurate,
humane and modern template for learning anatomy, and helping
students who want to opt out of it. I wish I had an ally like Jodie
back in the day but short of that, I am happy she is available today to
help us finally evolve beyond this corrupt, inhumane and backwards
model. |
Vegan Campfire Food
to venture into the great outdoors? Plan some tasty vegan campfire grub
to make it even more enjoyable. What is it about a fire-cooked meal
that makes the food so amazing? Whatever it is, tap into your primal vegan self, get a fire going and make some seriously good campfire food. (Even in the deep woods, though, you should be a media savvy
vegan and remember to take photos for later.) |

10 Kick-Ass Vegan Picnics Sometimes
we need to take the party out of our homes to show the world what
gorgeous vegan food looks like al fresco. With no shortage of amazing recipe
ideas online, why not go the extra mile and construct a menu around
your favorite theme? There is no time like the present to gather your
accouterments and bring your best vegan game to the great outdoors. From chic to
silly, elegant to unpretentious, we’ve got some themes and menu ideas
that should inspire creativity and lots of fun. |
Seeing Food Through a Vegan Lens It’s
no secret that vegans see the world around them in a different way.
Have you ever wondered why? Once you connect the dots between the
what's on your plate and cruelty to other animals, you just don't see
"food" in the same way. In fact, vegans don’t consider a lot of what
people eat to be food at all. Thankfully, we have delicious recipes
that require no compromising of our values or our taste buds.
Mother's Day Proclamation In regard to war, Julia Ward Howe wrote, “Our sons
shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to
teach them of charity, mercy and patience.” I am asking that we take her message of empathy and
liberation and broaden it. Can’t we say that our
children should not unlearn the most treasured values we teach them –
of mercy, compassion, justice – by being complicit in another’s
How to develop confidence with vegan cooking.
of the biggest stumbling blocks to moving away from animal foods is a
lack of familiarity and confidence with vegan cooking and ingredients.
With so many of us being busier than ever, the idea of learning a whole
new way to approach food is daunting enough that some people give up
before even trying. With a few basic, straightforward strategies in
hand, though, you will be well on your way to developing confidence as
a vegan cook. |

Celebrate Pi Day
(with vegan pie, of course)
Pi Day is upon us (March 14,
2015 or 3/14/15, a.k.a. 3.1415) and while I can’t quite get with
irrational, transcendent numbers or ratios of a circle’s circumference
to its diameter, I can very much get with pie. Whether we’re talking
traditional pies or fantastically original ones, creamy or fruity (or
both), wholesome or decadent, Pi Day is a perfect time to celebrate
with a scrumptious vegan pie or two.

Vegan Street's All-Star Wishes for a Vegan New Year
2014 saw a lot of great advancements for the
vegan cause and the animals who are relying on us, and we're very
optimistic about the prospects for 2015. So we've asked several leaders
in the vegan community to share with our readers their prospects and
wishes for the new year.

Vegan Street's All Star Guide to a Meaningful Thanksgiving
you embrace it, dread it, or choose to opt out, Thanksgiving is upon
us. Learn how some leading animal advocates cope, thrive, reinterpret,
reject and find
peace with the holiday. Plus five great Thanksgiving recipes from
renowned vegan chefs.

The Vegan Street Guide to Quick, Simple & Tasty Meals
often think of my meals along these lines: W + X + Y = Z. I think to
myself then, “What else might be a good addition?” Kale? Chickpeas?
Sun-dried tomatoes? Millet? This basic formula of simple addition helps
to create people who are more intuitive cooks and can think on their
feet about what they have available as well as being adaptive when they
don’t have everything within reach. |

The Vegan Street Guide to Preserving Herbs
Do you wake up in a
cold sweat wondering what to do with all that &*^% rosemary? Have
you ever felt that you’ve let your cilantro down? Has your sage seen
better days? Then you might need to get started doing something about
it, my friend. I |

How to PACE Yourself in Social Situations We
need to be good ambassadors to the public so we should do our best to
communicate that veganism is joyous and accessible whenever we can.
If we want to put forward our best example,
we can take some simple yet very effective steps to improve the chances
that we will be presenting living as vegans in the best possible light.

DIY and Chemical-free Spring Cleaning Spring
is here, babies, and there is no time like the present to ditch the
chemical-based, wasteful, and expensive cleaners and adopt a more
natural, simple, and thrifty approach. Best, of course, is these are
all made without any animal ingredients and without cruel animal

Time Saving Efforts for a Healthy, Plant-Powered Kitchen You
don't have to spend hours upon hours washing, chopping, massaging and
reading to your precious produce. With some kitchen savvy and advance
planning, you can cut your kitchen time way back without sacrificing
fresh ingredients.

Frugally Vegan
How many times have we heard someone express a sentiment like this or
imply that eating being vegan is just for the affluent? There are ways to cut
that back while not sacrificing an emphasis on unprocessed, natural
Here are some simple but effective strategies for cutting back on your food expenses.

Packing Lunch: A Vegan Back-To-School Special
our son’s elementary school career, we discovered that sandwiches and wraps mitigate the “Ew!
What’s that?!” element that our son doesn’t want about his vegan
lunches. They are also portable and quick to eat. By the way, these don’t
have to be for school lunches: consider bringing packing them for your
own lunch.
Stocking a Vegan Kitchen
Keeping a kitchen that is well-stocked is your
best defense against grabbing food out of desperation and a fantastic
tool for healthier (and more thrifty) living. Think to yourself:
what is good to have on hand? What do I cook often? What are some items
that are helpful for improvising a quick meal?
Here is a basic outline of a well-stocked vegan kitchen.