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A Winter's Night Bath Salts
buy bath salts when they are so easy to make for yourself? Homemade
bath salts are customizable, they don’t need any artificial dyes or
chemicals and much more frugal than to buy at the store. In this blend,
I used fresh, spirit-lifting rosemary and eucalyptus scents but any
essential oils of your choosing would work great, as would dried herbs
or flowers (like lavender or rose buds). This time of year, we are
often stressed and sore from all that year-end hustling. The Epsom
salts (available in any drugstore) soothe, purify and reduce
inflammation; the sea salts will leave your hair beach-y soft and
muscles relaxed; and the baking soda will soothe the skin. Fill up a
nice, warm bath, pick out your fluffiest towel and something great to
read, tell everyone not to bother you for at least an hour and savor
the time to yourself. By the way, bath salts also make great gifts.
1 cup Epsom salts
1 cup coarse sea salts
1/2 cup baking soda
10 - 15 drops rosemary essential oil
10 - 15 drops eucalyptus essential oil
Mix together in a large bowl, and then pour, using a funnel, into a storage container. For us, this large Ball jar was perfect.
Throw a handful or two (or three) in each bath, stir to dissolve and enjoy!
© 2014 Vegan Street

