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Barbecue Tofu Salad with Cashew Ranch Dressing

Barbecue Tofu Salad with Cashew Ranch Dressing

Okay, so this is sort of a cheater recipe in that I am simply simmering something in a sauce recipe I created last week but I never promised you a rose garden (or did I?) and it’s more about the whole picture here than simply simmered tofu. Summer is a great time for salads, of course, and if you want to boost the protein and make it more of a substantial meal, you could make a tasty salad like this one. Tofu was just what I used: chickpeas, seitan and other meatless proteins would work just as well. I used super-firm tofu, the kind that is getting easier to find these days but still not as common as the water-packed varieties. You can find it at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s in the refrigerated section with the other tofu. What makes it different is it is super-dense and firm without needing to be pressed. Personally, I love the organic Wildwood High-Protein super-firm variety. For those seeking tofu that doesn’t have that weird sponginess, this is the one for you. Cook it up with a little BBQ sauce and serve in a salad along with some zingy Cashew Ranch and you will not be disappointed.

Barbecue Tofu Salad with Cashew Ranch Dressing

20-ounces super-firm tofu or vegan protein of your choice
1 cup Peach-Bourbon Barbecue sauce
or your BBQ sauce of choice
Salad fixings (I used romaine, red onion, carrot, cucumber and toasted corn tortillas)

In a medium skillet, heat to medium-high, and add the tofu and BBQ sauce. Bring to a hard simmer and lower to medium-low, cooking for 25 minutes and stirring occasionally.

Make your Cashew Ranch Dressing or use a store-bought vegan ranch or dressing of choice.

Cashew Ranch Dressing

1 cup cashews, soaked for an hour or more and drained
2/3 cup water
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon garlic granules
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
Salt and pepper to taste

Place the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Compose or mix your salad. Place the BBQ tofu on top and serve with Cashew Ranch Dressing.

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