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Blueberry-Orange Slushies

Blueberry-Orange Slushies

Looking for something cool, refreshing and easy to make? Look no further. By keeping some frozen orange juice ice cubes on hand – which can add a nice tang to your morning shake – you can have a sweet, tart delicious concoction in seconds to cool down your summer day without added sugars. Just pour the orange juice in an ice cube tray and freeze overnight. To keep these on hand without using up precious ice cube tray real estate, as soon as they freeze, you can pop them out and store them in a freezer bag.

Blueberry-Orange Slushies
Makes 2 16 oz glasses

1 cup frozen blueberries
4 ice cubes frozen orange juice
4 regular ice cubes
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 ¼ - 1 ½ cups coconut water

Add everything to a blender (preferably high-speed) and blend until the ice is slushy.

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