If you would prefer a printed softbound version of When Vegans (Almost) Rule the World, you can pick one up for just $11.99 at Amazon. Kindle eBook coming soon!

Meet America's First Vegan Superhero - The Adventures of Vivian Sharpe, Vegan Superhero
Available in either softbound or Kindle/Nook/etc. eBook at Amazon

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Book Reviews

Lena of Vegitopia by Sybil Severin

Book Review:
Lena of Vegitopia and the Mystery of the Missing Animals
by Sybil Severin, illustrated by Carlos Patiño
review by Justice Beske (age 12)

I liked Lena of Vegitopia and the Mystery of the Missing Animals. I think it has a good story, and it is a good book for introducing young kids to a story with a message of compassion. The drawings were very well done and I think it’s a good read for all ages. The story is about a girl named Lena who helps the mother animals find their kids who have mysteriously disappeared in the peaceful land of Vegitopia. I think the character of Carnista, who is the antagonist, could have been depicted with more sympathy but otherwise, it was well done.

It might be scary for some littler kids but it all works out in the end and I think that most will enjoy the adventure of Lena. It is a very colorful book with a unique art style. I think it would make a good gift. There is even a recipe for Lena’s magical vegan carrot cake in it that parents and their children can bake together and appreciate the story even more.

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