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Composed Taco Salad with Ground Cauliflower and Zesty Cashew Dressing
you noticed that cauliflower – you know that mushy, bland mass boiled
to lifelessness that we grew up with? – is suddenly the break out,
go-to vegetable for emerging young chefs as well as home cooks? I won’t
go so far as to say cauliflower is the new kale – it will never have
that nutritional profile - but people have taken a new look at that
stodgy pillar of the frozen vegetable mix and discovered the creative
possibilities hidden within. Suddenly cauliflower is being roasted,
sliced into “steaks,” breaded as buffalo wings and puréed into silky
white pools. See you later, peas and carrots! She is not a bit player
any longer. This is like what happens in the movies when the wallflower
takes off her glasses, straightens her posture, shows off a little leg
and suddenly, va-va-voom! From wallflower to revamped, edgy cauliflower.
Part of the magic of cauliflower is that it has a texture that can have
some interesting facets to it, ranging from crispy to smooth depending
on how it’s prepared, and it has a very neutral flavor that is a blank
canvas waiting to be influenced. In short, cauliflower is game for your
Here I created cauliflower that is reminiscent of ground beef to use in
a salad. This can also be used in moussaka, tacos and any other recipe
that normally uses ground beef. This is softer than ground beef – if
you want a crispier texture, add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil –
and is melt-in-your-mouth tender. Pairing it with crunchy lettuce, a
creamy, zesty dressing and all the odds-and-ends you might like in your
salad, you’ve got something delicious.
Composed Taco Salad with Ground Cauliflower
6 cups or one medium cauliflower, cut into florets
½ cup toasted sunflower seeds (no salt)
2 cups salsa
½ cup tomato sauce
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons dried basil
2 teaspoons fennel
2 teaspoons thyme
1 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon liquid smoke
Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees and line a baking sheet with a Silpat, parchment paper or brush lightly with oil.
Pulse the cauliflower about ten times in a food processor, and then add
the rest of the ingredients. Pulse together until fully integrated. You
may have to stop the machine and remove the mixture from the sides of
the food processor a few times with a large spoon. Process until
everything is mixed together well and the cauliflower pieces are
pebble-sized or smaller.
Spread out on your prepared baking sheet. Bake for 40 minutes then move
it around with a spatula. Lower the temperature to 350, then bake for
15 minutes, stir again and bake for 15 more minutes.
Zesty Cashew Dressing
1 cup cashews, soaked in hot water for 20 minutes or longer
½ cup water
Juice of ½ lemon
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon onion powder
Blend together in a blender or food processor until smooth.
My salad had romaine, avocado, red onion, cucumber, olives and Ground
Cauliflower. Some other ideas are shredded carrots, tortilla chips,
roasted bell pepper, sun-dried tomatoes or basically anything you would
like on a salad. Compose and enjoy!
2015, Vegan Street

