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Homemade Dry Dog Shampoo
doggies are always adorable, of course, but sometimes they don’t smell
so great, especially in the summer with all the frolicking and rolling
around in the dirt. In between baths or grooming sessions, why not try
a natural dry shampoo that brushes right off and leaves a heavenly
scent? Dry shampoo is another example of a great old product that is
all the rage these days in our eco-savvy and cost-conscious world and
we can also easily make them for our four-legged buddies. This is best
to do outside or on a carpeted floor that can be easily vacuumed up.
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup cornstarch
5 - 6 drops essential oils, like lemongrass, lavender or any other lovely scent
together the baking soda and cornstarch to create uniformity into a
medium-sized bowl. Add the oil and mix thoroughly. Store this in an
airtight container. Extra can be frozen and stored, too.
Brush your pooch and then sprinkle over him or her. Leave it in for a
few minutes, then massage or brush out. If all the dry shampoo is not
removed, rub your dog with a towel to finish.
Inhale! Viola! And...Cuddle time!
© 2013-2014 Vegan Street

