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Fudgy Raw Frosted Brownies

Fudgy Raw Frosted Brownies

Okay, I admit it. I have joked for years that raw desserts are usually the same four or five ingredients used over and over again in different ratios (dates, cacao, nuts, you know the drill) and this recipe is no different. My usual attitude is you’re going to eat something healthy for dessert, just eat fruit. I have been craving deep chocolate lately, though, and the dates have been so juicy and soft, just perfect for such a treat, I figured what the heck. These are never going to be mistaken for baked brownies, but they are great on their own merits: rich, decadent, chewy, caramelly and so chocolatey. With a ganache-like frosting, you won’t be missing anything. Although they are raw, they are not low-calorie, so don’t eat the whole pan! If the dates you’re using are not soft, reconstitute them by soaking them in hot water for ten minutes, then drain them.

Speaking of great food, check out our e-book, Fun, Festive and Fabulous Vegan Holidays for Everyone: Recipes, Puns, Historic Lore, Tips and More to Help You Celebrate Without Compromise, and I think you will LOVE it. We cover ten celebrations along with more than 70 previously published and brand-spanking-new recipes – all vegan and gluten-free – that are designed for everyone from beginning to more experienced cooks to recreate in their own kitchens with ingredients that are easy to access, helping you to live it up, vegan style. Whether you’re vegan or omnivorous, whether you celebrate certain holidays or not, you will find dozens of really fun, delicious and damn impressive recipes to enjoy year-round, along with puns, historic lore, advice and so much more to keep you interested. So much value-added! Vegan Holidays for Everyone is for everyone who likes to enjoy great food without compromise.


Fudgy Raw Frosted Brownies

1 ½ cups pecans, unsalted
1 cup raw almonds (I used slivered)
2 ½ cups plump and soft medjool dates, seeded
½ tablespoon pure vanilla extract
½ cup slavery-free cacao powder
⅓ cup pure maple syrup
Pinch of salt

Pulse the pecans and almonds together until they are fine crumbs in a food processor. Add the rest of the ingredients and process until as smooth as possible. Press into an 8-X-8-inch baking pan, lined with parchment paper.

(before frosting)


½ cup nut butter (I used almond but peanut butter or cashew would be creamier)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
⅓ cup cacao powder
¼ cup pure maple syrup
2 tablespoons non-dairy milk
Pinch of salt

In a medium bowl, combine the nut butter, vanilla, cacao, maple syrup, non-dairy milk and pinch of salt until smooth. Spread over the top of the brownies and put in the fridge for a couple of hours. Slice and serve.

(after frosting)

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