If you would prefer a printed softbound version of When Vegans (Almost) Rule the World, you can pick one up for just $11.99 at Amazon. Kindle eBook coming soon!

Meet America's First Vegan Superhero - The Adventures of Vivian Sharpe, Vegan Superhero
Available in either softbound or Kindle/Nook/etc. eBook at Amazon

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Green Tea and Tea Tree Oil Facial Toner

Green Tea and Tea Tree Oil Facial Toner

With the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties of green tea combined with the antiseptic qualities of tea tree oil, this toner is ideal for those of us prone to breakouts. Far more economical than store purchased skin care products, this will leave your skin feeling and looking fresh, soft and clear. Especially with the warmer weather ahead, this toner is especially refreshing.

DIY Tea Tree and Green Tea Facial Toner

1 small mister bottle or bottle
1/4 cup strong green tea
4 - 5 drops tea tree oil

Mix thoroughly before each use (because the oil will separate from the tea) and spritz or use a cotton ball to apply to your face. This will last about two weeks in the fridge.

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