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Vegan Street: The Community Web Portal of Marla Rose and John Beske

Vegan Street presents Humane Halloween

The VampigHalloween should be fun and festive; the great thing is that it doesn't need to be scary for the animals or the planet.

Inspired by the Reverse Trick-or-Treating concept created by Global Exchange to raise awareness about Fair Trade chocolate, we decided to adapt the idea for all the compassionate Halloween enthusiasts out there.

Trick or Treat card 1
Download vegan
trick-or-treat card

trick or treat card 2
Download vegan
fair trade

trick-or-treat card

Cruelty-Free Halloween Treats Served Here
Cruelty-Free Treats
window or door sign

Please enjoy this simple gift!
Download vegan
trick-or-treat non-candy gift card

The idea and execution are simple: download and print out these information cards - they will print out four-to-a-page - and then you can cut them out from there, affix a piece of Fair Trade, vegan chocolate or other vegan treat to the back with tape, and give door-to-door on Halloween, to trick-or-treaters at your door and even classrooms. Our experience is that children love to patrticipate in this opportunity to spread the message of compassionate living. For more on the reasons behind supporting Fair Trade, please visit here and to get a list of Fair Trade chocolates, please check out the wonderful Food Empowerment Project.
The Witchen
There are various sources through which you can buy Fair Trade, vegan chocolate that are affordable and the right size for the cards but this is the one we have used over the years.

Here are some other options.

Want other ideas for vegan Halloween candy? Check out this exhaustive list. There are also non-edibles like pencils and small toys that can be given away for Humane Halloween but please be mindful of not contributing to the waste stream by avoiding plastics and please don't give away items made using sweatshop labor.

Also, visit the Humane Halloween Facebook Page for lively conversations and other great ideas and tips.

Last, please participate in Humane Halloween by printing out the cards and sign this year and help to get the word out that you can celebrate holidays with fun and flair without compromising your values.

Have fun, everyone!

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