If you would
prefer a printed softbound version of When Vegans (Almost) Rule the World,
you can pick one up for just $11.99 at Amazon. Kindle eBook coming soon!

Available in
either softbound or Kindle/Nook/etc. eBook at Amazon


Make Your Own Vegan Valentine
a special Valentine's card you probably won't find in your local
Hallmark store. We supply the artwork. You add a little bit of your own
love, and Voilá!
Supplies needed
A computer color printer (at home or at your local copy store)
A craft knife (X-Acto or similar), straightedge and cutting board
(If you feel either really accurate or casual you can substitute a scissors)

Download this template.
Connect to your office printer (or send by email or flash drive to
nearest copy store). We recommend setting the printer to "print actual
size", "print 100%", "Do not scale" or "no print scaling" (different
printers say different things). If the printer crops part of the image
off the page, then reset the print to "Fit art on Page" or whatever
words the printer uses to that effect.
Trim out and fold according to the visuals below.
(Optional: place in a standard or small-size greeting card envelope.
Hand it to your favorite valentine.

Happy Valentine's Day!
© 2014 Vegan Street

