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Only-Kale-Can-Save-Us-Now Salad
Herbivore's Michelle Schwegmann) I don't like to waste superlatives.
When people say that something changed their lives, I roll my eyes
along with everyone else and chalk it up to a familial tendency toward
exaggeration. But I’m not kidding or overstating the truth when I say
just how much this simple salad has had an impact on my life. It gets
my family eating lots of raw leafy greens. It gets my grade-schooler
exclaiming loudly and excitedly, “Kale salad, kale salad, kale salad,
kale salad!” Mother of the year? That’s me.
Only-Kale-Can-Save-Us-Now Salad 2 tablespoons tahini
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons reduced-sodium tamari
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
1 tablespoon flax meal
2 teaspoons onion granules
1 teaspoon garlic granules
1/4 cup water, plus more as needed
9 cups torn curly kale leaves (about 1 bunch), in bite-sized pieces
1/3 cup hemp seeds or chopped raw sunflower seeds (optional)
MAKE THE DRESSING, put the tahini, lemon juice, tamari, nutritional
yeast, 2ax meal, onion granules, and garlic granules in a large bowl
(large enough to accommodate the kale leaves). Add the water and whisk
to combine, adding more water if the dressing seems too thick. (Tahini
varies in consistency.)
Add the kale leaves to the dressing and mix using your hands. Don’t be
shy now! Rub the dressing into the kale and make sure to distribute it
evenly. Sprinkle the optional hemp seeds over the top if desired. Serve
immediately or store in a covered container in the fridge for up to 2
Tip: Before you get started, you’ll need to clean and prepare the kale.
Hold the stem of a kale leaf in one hand, and with your other hand pull
the leaf up the stem. When you’ve removed all the leaves from the
stems, tear the leaves into bite-sized pieces (you can compost the
stems). Give the leaves a good bath in cold water, and spin them dry in
a salad spinner.
Reproduced with permission from Eat Like You Give a Damn: Recipes for the New Ethical Vegan by Michelle Schwegmann and Josh Hooten of Herbivore, published by The Book Publishing Company.
2015, Vegan Street

