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Pecan Oat Thumbprint Cookies

Pecan Oat Thumbprint Cookies

My son has been requesting novel treats of late, most involving chocolate pudding in ways that defy the properties of chocolate pudding, but having recently discovered the joys of cherry jam, he started brainstorming around how that could be incorporated into a treat. We talked about muffins, brownies and cakes, but then he brought up hamantaschen and, being lazy and not wanting to deal with the mess of a roll-out cookie, I sold him on the idea of a good ol’ thumbprint cookie. I wanted one that was fairly nutritious and, with a bag of pecans in my cupboard, the idea came together pretty quickly. The end result is a rich, soft-in-the-middle cookie with a happy jam center. I made enough from my son to bring to his first day back to school the next day and the class of non-vegans loved them: no oil, no gluten, no animal products, no problem!

Pecan Oat Thumbprint Cookies

1 ½ cups pecan pieces, toasted and ground
1 cup quick-cooking oats
1 cup gluten-free all-purpose flour or regular flour
(I used Bob’s Red Mill All-Purpose Blend)
½ teaspoon nutmeg, ideally freshly grated
¼ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
¼ cup no-sugar-added applesauce
½ cup pure maple syrup
Jam of your choice

Combine the ground pecans, oats, flour, salt and nutmeg in a food processor and process until ground together.

Add to a mixing bowl. Pour in vanilla, applesauce, and maple syrup; mix with a large spoon until everything is combined. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes or more.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or a Silpat. Drop the cookie batter by the rounded tablespoon onto the prepared cookie sheet. Using a ½ teaspoon measuring spoon, make a little indenture in the middle of each cookie. Fill that indenture with ¼ teaspoon of jam. (Don’t go over the top of the cookie or it will flow over while baking.)

Bake for 12 minutes, then turn 180 degrees to ensure even baking and bake for six minutes more. Cool and enjoy.

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