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Red Bell Pepper & Greens Vegan Omelet
as an omnivore, I was indifferent to the egg. Fried eggs never did much
for me; I liked the crispy edges but that quivering yoke made me feel
puke-y. Hard-boiled? Nope. Not happening. Scrambled? Now we’re getting
closer but still, not a big craving in my life. When I was in college,
my friends and I discovered the (most likely mythic) alcohol-sopping
capabilities of a greasy late-night omelet at a 24-hour diner after a
night of boozing. It was like all that fat was absorbing the alcohol
and for a long time, late-night omelets eaten for this specific purpose
was my main exposure to the egg. Once I stopped drinking to excess and,
finally, went vegan, it was really not a big loss for me to leave eggs
in the past. (If you’re reading this and you don’t know why to leave
eggs behind, please do some research
and consider ending your support of this horrifically cruel and
environmentally destructive industry.)
When news hit that a vegan egg – creatively called the VeganEgg – was developed by the fine
people at Follow Your Heart, I can’t say
that I lost my mind over it but I was happy. Any time we close the gap
of what we “can’t have” as vegans, it is a win for the animals. As
often happens, there was quite a bit of hype about it before the
VeganEgg was available but it is slowly beginning to spread out there.
(If you live in the Chicago area, you can find it in the baking section
of Fruitful Yield stores for
now as well as online Follow
Your Heart VeganEgg, 4-Ounce Carton ). I
found it and I had to make an omelet. This time I wasn’t drunk. (Or was
I found the VeganEgg to be very easy to work with and it behaved pretty
much like liquid eggs in the pan. If you have experience folding and
flipping an omelet, you will use the same technique. There have been
some complaints that the VeganEgg is bland but I’m guessing that they
purposely didn’t add seasonings so that it could be used
interchangeably in baking recipes, which is wise. To get the full “egg”
effect, you will want to get your hands on some black salt, a.k.a.,
kala namak, which is a sulfur-y, pungent spice used commonly in Indian
cuisine. (Don’t be freaked out that it’s not black – it shouldn’t be.)
This salt is what adds an essential egg-y element. You want to use a
light touch with black salt as a little goes a long way. I recommend
buying this at an Indian market if you are lucky enough to have one
near you. (Online, The Spice Lab's Himalayan BLACK Crystal Kala Namak Salt (fine ground) , looks like a good choice.) You
will pay much, much less for a big bag of it than you will at Whole
I would call this VeganEgg omelet airier and lighter than a traditional
egg omelet, meaning that it doesn’t exactly replicate the egg
experience, which is both positive and negative. On the negative side,
well, people will whine about it not being exact. WAH!
On the positive side, it works on its own merits and it’s not a heavy
gut-buster like I remember an omelet being. I would call this a lighter
but still reminiscent version of an egg omelet. The VeganEgg is a
fantastic replacement for chicken eggs and I am very grateful to Follow
Your Heart for developing it!
I just used the vegetables I had sitting around: feel free to modify to
your tastes.
Red Bell Pepper & Greens Vegan
Makes one hella big vegan omelet
2 teaspoons oil, divided (I used olive)
½ yellow onion, diced
½ red bell pepper, diced
1 cup roughly chopped greens (I used spinach and kale)
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon basil
1 teaspoon tamari
¼ teaspoon cayenne
Salt and pepper to taste
6 tablespoons VeganEgg
1 ½ cups cold water
¼ cup vegan cheese shreds (optional)
Black salt

a medium sauté pan, heat one teaspoon of oil over medium heat. Add your
onions and bell pepper and sauté for a few minutes until the onions
begin to soften. Add the greens, the oregano, basil, tamari, cayenne
and salt and pepper. Sauté until softened.
Meanwhile, add the vegan egg to 1½ cups of cold water. Blend this in a blender until smooth and combined.

In a medium pan, heat your second teaspoon of oil over medium-high
heat. Pour in the VeganEgg batter and allow that to sit undisturbed for
about three minutes. It will begin to form slow bubbles. When it begins
to dry along the edges, sprinkle on your black salt and add your
veggies, optional cheese shreds on one side of the omelet. For flipping
purposes, having it on the side away from you makes for an easier turn.
Use a flexible spatula to loosen the edges and once the bottom is
starting to look golden and the top begins to look dry, gently flip
over the veggies. Look it cook for another minute or two and plate.
Another light sprinkling of black salt won’t hurt and maybe some fresh
ground pepper on top.
Serve warm with salsa, hot sauce or whatever you like.

2013-2016, Vegan Street

