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Book Review:
Always Too Much and Never
Enough - A Memoir
by Jasmin Singer
review by Marla Rose
Is there anything we have to do every day that is as emotionally rife
as the act of feeding ourselves? Some people manage to get through life
without there being a deep connection between emotions and food but for
many, if not most, of us, food and how we feed ourselves is a rough
terrain dotted with many, many landmines. For those of us with, as they
say, “issues with food,” nothing is ever straightforward when it comes
to eating: from the elation we feel when we’ve been virtuous with our diets
to our plummeting self-worth when we are not, to the rollercoaster of
guilt, anger, spitefulness, bliss, connection and even numbness we can
feel on a daily basis with a fork or spoon as the vehicle for
deliverance, food is a complicated and complex part of our everyday
lives. Despite this, we have to learn to eat and feed ourselves if we
want to stay alive.
Jasmin Singer, the spirited
co-pilot of the Our Hen House vegan indy media
hub, has just come out with a memoir centered around how she liberated
herself from a paralyzing and painful relationship to food (and lost
nearly 100 pounds in the process) with her new powerful book, Always Too Much and Never Enough: A Memoir . As a sensitive child who was always somewhat
of an outcast, Jasmin did not adapt easily to the upheaval of her early
years as her parents divorced and her mother remarried twice and from a
young age, she began to turn to food, specifically fattening and sugar-laden junk food, for
comfort, stability and numbing out. Even with a very loving and
supportive mother who was Jasmin’s biggest fan and a very close
connection to her grandparents, especially her dynamic grandmother, we
follow along as Jasmin’s relationship to food grows more difficult and
treacherous with each year. With each year, too, she grows larger,
tamping down her feelings with each successive Oreo cookie. Not conforming to the body size standards of our society, it
isn’t long before Jasmin is singled out and mercilessly bullied at
school; this emotional abuse lays the groundwork for a relationship to the
world that continues well into her adulthood.
I am not going to give away too much but you will find two photos of a
fit, present-day Jasmin in the book. By using a process of mindfulness,
introspection, education, and, most significantly, awakening to the
power of
juice as well as an unprocessed, whole foods diet when she began to
care enough to want to be healthy, Jasmin has turned her life around
and this memoir details her whole evolution, from chubby kid to yo-yo
dieting teen to starving 20-something-year-old to obese vegan (yep, you
read that right) and all points in between. Along the way, she examines
her relationship to food, her emotions around having an enviably slim
mother, her anger at a society that devalues those who don’t conform to
conventional beauty standards, and what was under the all-consuming
hunger, a hunger that so many of us understand, that she was never able
to feed.
Jasmin writes with confidence and lucidity about the forces that drove
her to overeat, from influences outside of her control, like the
multi-billion dollar food industry and their ability to engineer cheap
junk that is designed to make us crave more, to what was going on
internally, like her inability to feel like she was measuring up to
those around her. This is a emotionally difficult book at read at times
and I found myself wincing in sympathy several times as she detailed
scorn and abuse she endured as an overweight girl and young woman.
Through it all, though, is an undergirding of humor, self-compassion
and empathy. She is a deep thinker and, understanding that we all have our own path, she is not content to toss
consumable, facile lessons to her readers. This is much more nutritious
stuff. I also love that the vegan message is woven throughout the
memoir through Jasmin’s own unfolding but it is never heavy-handed. The
vegan theme is interspersed in an honest but graceful way. Jasmin’s
passion and commitment to animal rights underpins the book but never
threatens to consume it.
Always Too Much and Never Enough is a beautiful and thought-provoking
book with a big, imperfect, vulnerable heart right in its center.
Whether you struggle with how food and self-worth intersect or you’re
lucky enough to have dodged that bullet, Jasmin’s storytelling will
pull you in and make you a better person for having read it. I highly
recommend Always Too Much and Never Enough.
2013-2016, Vegan Street

