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Book Review:
Help Yourself Cookbook
for Kids:
60+ Easy Plant-Based Recipes Kids Can Make to Stay Healthy and Save the
by Ruby Roth
review by Marla Rose
For those not familiar with her, Ruby
Roth is an artist/illustrator and author of a series of
groundbreaking books for children. She burst onto the scene in 2009
with her pioneering animal advocacy primer for kids, That's
Why We Don't Eat Animals: A Book About Vegans, Vegetarians, and All
Living Things, which educated children on the various industries
exploit and violate animals with a tone that was never condescending,
always honest but also careful about sensitivities and avoiding
manipulation. Since then, Ruby has come out with three more books, all
lushly illustrated by the author, each aimed at instilling pride in
children for their compassionate convictions, gently teaching how even
the youngest can take effective action for animals, helping to nurture
and empower a new generation of mindful, engaged citizens. Though the
subjects could easily devolve into a lecturing or cloying tone, Ruby
manages to approach them with the solemnity they deserve while
remembering how important it also is to have moments of levity and
lightness to avoid emotional overload. Her books are clearly written by
an artist who also is a seasoned social justice activist and her
approach is a lesson in how to maintain a lifelong commitment to the
issues that matter to us without losing our hope.
Ruby’s latest book is a bit of a departure from her previous works and
it fills a void in the vegan lit sphere: The Help Yourself Cookbook for Kids: 60 Easy Plant-Based Recipes Kids Can Make to Stay Healthy and Save the Earth
is a vegan cookbook aimed at kids and, as with her other
books, filled with tasty bits of useful information as well. This book
is decidedly lighter than That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals: Brightly
colorful and whimsically illustrated, each page or side-by-side spread
is a treated like a canvas with a fun little scene, filled with smiling
cherry tomatoes, adorable animals (koalas teach us that as leaf-eaters,
they are known as folivores), and simple dishes transformed into boats,
towers and "jungle mash." Her recipes are imaginative and not too
serious, meant to entice and be easily executed, giving kids a sense of
pride and accomplishment. Where adult supervision is advised, it is
very obvious with her “adult alert” visual cues but most recipes are
ones that can be safely done from start to finish by children. I am not
sure of the age recommendations. I am guessing that this cookbook would
be ideal for children from 7 - 12 years of age but it could certainly
easily skew in either direction.

The recipes are simple in execution and in ingredients, most relying on
a handful of easily accessible, whole foods components that engage the
senses and the imagination. For example, her Tiger Stripes Seaweed
Salad makes a pretty brown and orange dish out of seaweed, carrots and
flavoring elements. Her Leprechaun Footprint Avo Toast illustrates how
to cut an avocado and rewards little chefs with a delicious result. Her
Pink Couscous tints the grains a pretty fuchsia with beets and creates
a pretty contrast with buttery green pistachios. Children learn more
about issues like palm oil and the importance of insects to our
ecosystem while parents learn more about how to encourage safe and
enthusiastic kitchen skills in their children. The recipes and
instructions are written with a child-like voice that feels authentic,
using words like “one BIG stalk” to describe how much celery to add to
a dish and defining words like “marinating,” “sous chef” and “cacao”
(“Rhymes with ka-POW,” she writes) in an educational but unpretentious
way. This book is like having a big sister or brother in the kitchen
with the cook but, you know, the nice kind. The only small complaint
that I have is that this is a soft-covered book where the bind is
rather tight and you will want to protect its beautiful pages from food
smears and stains. I recommend using something to hold the book open so
fingers that are not quite squeaky-clean won’t muck them up. (Something
like this looks like a cool option to keeping your cookbooks in good

I highly recommend The Help Yourself Cookbook for Kids. It is a
fantastic addition to the overall vegan library of resources and
expands upon what fellow author-illustrator Mollie Katzen did with her
vegetarian children’s cookbooks in the 1990s to a new generation of
engaged, thoughtful and compassionate kids. Whether this is for someone
who is already vegan, someone who is a budding chef, someone who would
like to know more about the issues in the world or someone who just
likes cool pictures (and who doesn’t?), this is a great first cookbook
that will inspire excitement and confidence in the kitchen. Learning
how to feed ourselves well without harming others in the process is
such an empowering and important lifelong practice. You won’t be disappointed in
this book.
Check out a recipe from the book we posted here!

2013-2016, Vegan Street

