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Book Review:
The Vegan Way 21 Days to a Happier, Healthier Plant-Based Lifestyle that Will Transform Your Home, Your Diet, and You
by Jackie Day
review by Marla Rose
so often, a new book arrives at my doorstep and it’s something
altogether different and expands the vegan toolbox in an exciting way
that is new for us. The new book by Jackie Day, The Vegan Way: 21 Days to a Happier, Healthier Plant-Based Lifestyle that Will Transform Your Home, Your Diet, and You,
is one such example. Skillfully written with warmth, wit and depth, I
believe that Jackie, who also runs the popular blog My Vegan Journal
(http://myveganjournal.com), will break through defensiveness with her
accessible but knowing tone; consider this book both a primer on “why
vegan” and “how vegan,” as well as the next best thing to one’s own
personal guide to transitioning. With each of the 21 days broken up
into an information-packed chapter, Jackie educates while puncturing
myths and helping to point people toward a more integrated,
compassionate choice. The publisher, St. Martin’s Press,
certainly gave the words Jackie provided a beautiful platform, too,
with lots of beautiful photos and full of helpful user-friendly visual
With chapters divided up by subject - for example, Day 5 is on the egg
industry and vegan replacements and Day 16 is on traveling as an
herbivore - Jackie gracefully handles the various concerns and
questions that arise with a graceful, confident tone that doesn’t ever
condescend but is clearly coming from someone who’s been around the
vegan block a time or two. (As a vegetarian since 13 and a vegan since
the 1980s, her ease with the subject is evident.) An award-winning
educator and longtime advocate, Jackie knows how to talk about these
topics that often make people feel defensive and uncomfortable in a way
that defuses, using her warm but unwaveringly honest voice. With more
than 30 easy recipes shuffled through, colorful sidebars and photos,
inspiring “thought for the day” quotes and simple checklists with every
chapter, as well as really helpful sections nimbly covering a wide
range in topics rarely seen in other vegan literature (her guidance on
finding vegan options in public assistance programs and creating a
swoon-worthy plate stood out to me), this is really the only book
someone need for the practical help as well as the education needed for
an informed, graceful and enjoyable transition.
I appreciate that the author doesn’t pull any punches. Her sections on
the subsidization of animal agribusiness and the dairy industry, for
example, are rightfully enraging and heartbreaking. She doesn’t leave
people feeling gutted, though. Jackie offers readers useful tools and
strategies for how they can get their power back by living in alignment
with their values without sacrificing taste, convenience or anything
else. With her welcoming, inclusive voice, her fantastic research and
knowing guidance, The Vegan Way
leaves no stone unturned but is a highly readable and inspiring book.
Know anyone who is looking to go vegan in the new year? Someone just
looking to become better educated on the subject? Someone who is
already vegan but would like some communication tips from a master? The Vegan Way is for you. I highly recommend it.
2013-2016, Vegan Street

