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Rosemary-Mint Hair Rinse
a garden thick with herbs that are clamoring for attention, I thought
I’d make a botanically-boosted hair rinse and after doing some
research, I found that two of my most bountiful herbs, rosemary and
mint, are considered to be fantastic for healthy tresses. Mint
invigorates the scalp and rosemary is thought to also boost circulation
as well as actually promote hair growth. It also is moisturizing to
dry, flaky scalps. The best part? This thrifty and easy to make rinse
will leave your hair soft, shiny and delicious to smell.
Rosemary-Mint Hair Rinse
4 fresh rosemary sprigs
1/3 cup fresh mint
3 cups water, boiling
Place the herbs in a large glass jar, pour the boiling water
over the herbs, and allow to sit overnight. Strain the herbs, wash your
hair as you normally do and pour a cup of the rinse over your head. You
don’t need to rinse, but if you do, finger comb the rinse through your
hair for at least a minute first to allow the scent to permeate. Store
in a covered container.

© 2015 Vegan Street

