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Sultry Salts for a Hot Bath
buy commercial bath salts when they so many are made with artificial
dyes and they are so jacked up in price? With access to bulk coarse sea
salts, you can make a big container of bath salts for a wee fraction of
the cost of what you would find at a natural foods store and without
any crummy artificial ingredients. The cherry on top is you can
customize your scent as you like. While essential oils will cost a bit,
you will get many uses out of them. Scent preferences are so unique to
us -- feel free to modify to your tastes.
Sea salts and Epsom salts relaxes your muscles; baking soda soothes the
skin. (Those with very sensitive skin might want to leave out the
baking soda; it will still be a perfect blend without it.) Rosemary and
grapefruit essential oils uplift the spirit; seductive vetiver balances
this with its grounding, stabilizing qualities. Together, they combine
for a sexy, relaxing but still uplifting bath blend.
Sultry Salts for a Hot Bath
1 cup coarse sea salts
1 cup Epsom salts
¼ cup baking soda (optional)
5 drops rosemary essential oil
7 drops grapefruit essential oil
5 drops vetiver essential oil
Combine all the ingredients in a large food processor and
cycle until at desired texture. (It will be loud at first!) Whether you
like a crumbly or smooth texture is up to you as long as the oils are
distributed. Adjust the scent as you like, remembering that it will
grow stronger over time. Store in a covered container and through
handfuls in each bath as it fills.
© 2015 Vegan Street

