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Time Saving Efforts for a Healthy, Plant-Powered Kitchen
going to get the difficult part out of the way with a little
tough-love: if you want to eat wholesome, health-providing meals, you
are going to have to eat some fruits and vegetables. In order to do
that, you are going to need to clean and prepare them first. There is
no getting around it. You just are. That being said, this doesn’t mean
that you have to spend hours upon hours washing, chopping, massaging
and reading to your precious produce. With some kitchen savvy and
advance planning, you can cut your kitchen time way back without
sacrificing fresh ingredients. After a while, these shortcuts will
become second nature to you and you won’t need to plan as much. There
are my best time-saving tips for a healthy, plant-powered kitchen. (By
the way, many of the same efforts that cut costs also cut time. Please
check these pointers out, too.)
Make a Weekly Meal Plan and Grocery Lists
I cannot emphasize this enough. Making a weekly meal plan means that
you won’t be scrambling and wondering what to make for dinner at the
last minute because, ugh, who wants to do that? A meal plan saves time,
money and all but guarantees that you will be eating healthier,
home-cooked meals that might otherwise be eaten out or without as much
consideration. Similarly, if you go into a grocery store with a list,
not only can you save money by not buying as many impulse items but you
can save lots of time that you would otherwise waste meandering around,
wondering what to buy. Making a grocery list takes a little time but
saves you loads more during the week and it also is a great way to
ensure that you’re eating as healthfully as possible. When I am feeling
ultra-ambitious, I organize my lists by where items can be found in the
grocery store (for example, vegetables together, bulk goods together,
frozen foods, etc.) and this also lessens the amount of time you will
waste at the grocery store. Organize your lists by the stores you go to
(we go to three depending on what we need) and you will be well on your
way to a much more efficient grocery shopping experience.

Keep a Well-Stocked Kitchen, Especially the Pantry and Freezer
If you have some kitchen staples on hand, such as garlic, ginger,
potatoes, frozen peas, frozen corn, tomato sauce, pasta and beans, you
can always improvise a tasty, healthful meal that can come together
quickly without you needing to run to the grocery store at the last
minute. What do you eat often? Keep those staples on hand, especially
focusing on the things that can be kept for a while. This soup, made
with vegetable stock, tamari, coconut milk, rice noodles, chickpeas,
peas, corn, carrot, ginger, garlic, and lime juice came together for a
quick, nourishing meal without anyone needing to go to the grocery
store. Keeping items on hand will not only shorten the amount of time
you need to spend preparing meals, but it will help you to learn to
become a more improvisational cook. (Soups and stir-fries are
especially improvisation friendly.) Whenever you go grocery shopping,
make it a habit to stock up on the staple items you use often that are
on sale.

Cook Smart
There are many aspects to cooking smart (which these
pointers technically all fall under) but what I am referring to here is
the practice of cooking one large dish and using it several different
ways throughout the week. For example, make a large pot of your
favorite veggie chili and you can have it various ways through the week
so you don’t get bored: on baked potatoes, in tacos or burritos,
on top of pasta, and so on. I call this practice “extending the
meal” and it is what we do in my home when we want homemade food but we
don’t want to build every separate meal from scratch from beginning to
end. It saves time, money and energy when we prepare at least one meal
that can be extended like this throughout the week.

Batch Cooking
As with the above example, remember that you don’t have to cook each
individual meal and it is a better use of your time if you don’t.
Cooking large batches of food for the week ahead on a day off means
that you will have food through the week, including lunches to take to
work. If you prepare a large amount of soup, casseroles, pilafs, stews
and more, you can eat from that all week and devote far less time to
individual meals. If you don’t want to eat it all within a week,
consider freezing some for future meals.
Slow Cookers and Pressure Cookers
These are very worthwhile investments. With a slow cooker, after a
quick sauté in the morning, you just add some things together into the
pot, put on the settings, walk out the door, and when you come home
after work, you not only return to a home that smells divine, but you
have a dinner you made yourself with minimal effort. I highly recommend
Robin Robertson’s Fresh from the Vegan Slow Cooker
for excellent, easy recipes. Another option is the pressure cooker,
which can help you to create fresh meals in minutes, including ones
with dried legumes that normally take hours to cook.
Take Full Advantage of a Hot Oven
This is another one of those
crossover tips that is not only thrifty and a better use of fuel, but
one that saves time as well. If you have a hot oven for a meal you’re
making, why not also throw some potatoes, winter squash, garlic bulbs
for roasting and so forth in it, too? Don’t waste all that fuel on one
dish. With just a little extra effort and forethought, you can have
items ready to use for a future meal. If you take this into
consideration when you’re planning your weekly meals, you will really
be working smart.

Use Clear Storage Containers for Bulk Items
Store dry items that you use often (for example, rice, barley,
couscous, quinoa, pasta) so you can always see how stocked up you are
and, ideally, leave these in a place where you can easily see them,
like on your kitchen counter. It is a big hassle to realize that you
have to run off to the store when you find out that the container you
thought was full of rice only has a small amount. Clear containers,
ideally glass, take the guesswork out of knowing how well-stocked you
are in the kitchen.
Wash, Chop and Store Produce Properly
After grocery shopping, save a little time by preparing the week’s
produce and storing it properly to extend its freshness. If your
produce goes bad, not only is it a waste of money, it’s also a waste of
your time. Please check out this excellent guide for produce storage tips.
Don’t Peel Unless You Need To Peel
If something is organic and just has a light peel, consider just
scrubbing with a good vegetable brush and leaving the skin intact.
Produce like white potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, daikon, apples
and so on do not need to be peeled and, especially if organic, can use
just a good scrub. Not only does this save time, the nutrients in and
just below the peel are available to you.
Make Breakfast as Simple as Possible While Still Nutritious
Instead of waking up and rushing out without breakfast because you
don’t have the time, consider your breakfast ahead of time to let your
early morning self off the hook a little. Everything from overnight oats, chia puddings,
green smoothies, whole
grain muffins
and more become available in a snap with a little planning the night
before and let you begin your day with a easy, nutritious start.
Consolidate Your Movements in the Kitchen
When preparing a meal, it
can be eye-opening how much time is wasted just grabbing things that
could be close to you. All that walking around adds up! Consider
keeping a large bowl by your cutting board for peels, seeds, etc.
instead of going to the compost container or trash can each time. (If
you don’t have a garden for compost, consider collecting your scraps
and donating them to a nearby community garden or creating your own
vegetable stock out of the scraps. Also, consider a
mise en place (“putting in place”) approach to cooking, like what you
see on cooking shows with everything prepped and ready for the skillet
or pot when you are ready to go.

Keep Your Kitchen Organized
If you’re running around looking for your
garlic press, the right spatula, your colander, your paring knife and
so on, it stands to reason that you are wasting valuable time. Put them
back in the same drawer or container every time and that it one less
thing you need to think about when preparing your meals. Keeping the
things you use most often the easiest to access is also a good idea. In
other words, don’t drop your measuring spoons in the middle of a
disorganized junk drawer if you use them a lot.
Read Through a Recipe First
How many times have you added more time
to preparing a meal because you hadn’t read a recipe through
completely? When you forget to preheat the oven on or don’t realize
that you need to defrost something, you are wasting time. Read through
a recipe so you get a sense of what needs to happen; the recipe should
let you know what needs to happen in what order. Don’t forget to
thoroughly read the ingredients list and take note of what needs to be
defrosted, chopped, etc.
Utilize your freezer
A meal in the freezer is a meal you don’t have to cook again. Check out
this guide for freezer tips.
Clean as You Go
Fill your empty sink with hot water and a little dish soap. When you
are done with needing your cutting board, knives, pans and so on, wash
them so they won’t be something you need to worry about after dinner or
let them soak to make for a quicker cleaning.
Buy Only the Kitchen
Tools that Make Your Life Easier
What do you use often? We use a
peeler, a few good knives, a food processor, a blender and my favorite
cast iron skillet almost every day. They are tools that I trust and use
very often. Finding the tools that work for you and keeping them handy
helps to cut down on your time in the kitchen.
No one is superhuman so there are going to be inefficient moments in
even the most highly organized lives. That being said, why not cut down
on inefficiencies so as to maximize the time we get to enjoy outside of
the kitchen? You can eat healthfully without spending an eternity
washing and chopping vegetables, I promise. By utilizing even a few of
these tips, you will make your life easier and the time you spend
preparing meals more productive and enjoyable. Give them a try!
2013, 2014, Vegan Street

