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Vanilla Banana Soft Serve with Trail Mix
make a fabulous frozen confection and are a delicious replacement for
sugar and additive-laden commercial ice creams: creamy, naturally sweet
and thrifty, the frozen banana confections provide a great canvas for
all kinds of flavor add-ins, from seasonal fruits to nut butters. We
have played around
with frozen bananas before and it never gets old, especially as we are
deep in July; this most recent creation was inspired by that perennial
summertime favorite, trial mix.
Whether on a road trip or an actual hiking trial, trial mix offers a
simple solution for caloric needs: with the mixture of dried berries,
nuts, chocolate chips, shredded coconut and whatever else you like, it
also is a great topping for banana soft-serve. Here, I kept the frozen
banana flavorings simple to offer a blank (but tasty!) canvas for the
trial mix. Use whatever trial mix you like, including a favorite that
is already packaged. The real trick here is to use ripe bananas –
meaning that they are speckled with some brown spots – freezing them
for at least 24-hours and picking the trial mix blend that you like
most. There is a machine out there that can turn your frozen bananas
into easy ice cream (and I have it because I found it in a thrift
store) but I have found that a food processor works just as good or
Vanilla Banana Soft Serve with Trail Mix
Serves three
3 large ripe bananas, cut into pieces and frozen for at least 24-hours
¼ cup plain dairy-free milk
1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Trail mix for sprinkling, packaged or DIY
your frozen bananas to a large food processor and pulse until the
pieces are chopped up into smaller pieces for about 30 seconds. Add the
milk, maple syrup and vanilla. Run the machine until the frozen bananas
are smooth; add more milk if necessary. Scoop out, top with trial mix
and serve immediately.
2013-2016, Vegan Street

