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Vegan Living
A Very Vegan Passover
Matzo Ball Soup from The V Word

A Very Vegan Passover

It’s Passover and Passover is all about liberation, commemorating when the Israelites were delivered from slavery and persecution in Egypt and it is perhaps the most solemn of the Jewish holidays. When the Israelites fled Egypt, the tale is they left in such a hurry, they had no time for their bread to rise, which is why Jews observe the holiday that marks their emancipation by eating only unleavened bread, a.k.a., matzo, for the duration. The name of the holiday, Passover, or Pesach, refers to the practice of leaving the blood of a sacrificed lamb on doorframes to communicate to God that the people who dwelled there should be spared the plagues he was visiting upon the Egyptians for oppressing the Jews. God would "pass over" their homes. As liberated people, we should not continue the cycle of violence and oppression by violating and oppressing others. Even for those who are not Jewish or religious, a Passover seder can be a very moving experience when we extend our circle of compassion to include the most exploited. Here is a collection of recipes to take you through the Passover holiday, perfect for seders or just at home.

Gefilte Fish from One Green Planet

Appetizers and small plates

Mock Chopped Liver
Gefilte Fish
Mini-Potato Kugels
Mexican Quinoa Salad with Orange-Lime Dressing


Matzo Ball Soup with The VeganEgg from Follow Your Heart


Matzo Ball Soup with The VeganEgg
Another Matzo Ball Soup (I can vouch for this one as I’ve made it – it is sublime)


Spicy, Smoky Ratatouille Casserole from Tori Avery

Main Dishes

Vegetable Kugel with Caramelized Leeks
Spicy, Smoky Ratatouille Casserole
Spinach, Leek and Potato Matzo Gratin (I can vouch for this one, too. So good!)
Pop over here to find a whole mess o’ Passover recipe ideas from the Vegan American Princess


Lemon Almond Meal Scones from Ari's Meals

Lemon Almond Meal Scones (use the agave option)
Dukkah-Spiced Matzoh for Passover
Matzo Toffee
Carrot Cake Macaroons

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