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Watermelon Chiller

Watermelon Chiller

Is there anything more delicious than cold, perfectly ripe watermelon on a hot summer day? In our region, full of intense winters and all-too-fleeting summers, watermelon is the very essence of summer. This makes it both bittersweet and deeply appreciated, especially as we get into peak watermelon season. With each one I’ve bought, and there have been a lot, I think to myself, “This could very well be the last perfect watermelon of the season.”

This treat is a highly accomplished one in that it manages to pull off being tangy, sweet, minty and refreshing in one glass. I promise that I won’t do this often but this recipe does require a high-speed or at least a VERY good blender. (Perhaps it can be done in a food processor: I haven’t checked.) Enjoy while the fireflies dance across your lawn; before too long, the leaves will be falling from the trees. Maybe if we drink enough of these, we can ward off winter altogether?

1 cup plain coconut water
1/2 fresh lime, squeezed
2 cups watermelon, cubed and frozen
1 frozen banana, peeled, chopped and frozen
1 tablespoon fresh mint

Add to a high-speed blender in the order listed. Blend until ready and enjoy!

© 2013, 2014, Vegan Street

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