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Basil-Sage and Garlic Vinegar
our garden starting to really get lush as July enters the scene, we
need all the uses for fresh herbs that we can get. One such use is
using herbs to flavor vinegar. Here, sweet basil and pungent sage
complement one another in a vinegar that is also infused with fresh
garlic. Great as a marinade or a salad dressing, this just needs to sit
and build flavor for one to two weeks and then it is good to go: just
strain, rebottle and use. I used apple cider vinegar as my base, but
white wine vinegar would work just as well or better.
Basil-Sage and Garlic Vinegar
2 tablespoons sweet (or Italian) basil, chopped
2 tablespoons fresh sage, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced or crushed
1 quart apple cider vinegar
2 mason jars
the herbs and garlic in a sterilized 1 quart Ball jar or other glass
jar with tight-fitting lid. Let this sit in a sunny spot for one to two
weeks, then strain with a fine-mesh sieve and pour into another
sterilized quart-sized glass jar. This can store at room temperature or
© 2014 Vegan Street

