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Sensitive Skin Toner

Sensitive Skin Toner

Appropriate for all skin types but especially ideal for sensitive skin, this combination of rosewater, witch hazel (who doesn’t love something called that?) and tea tree oil (also known as melaleuca oil) is heaven for your face. With warmer weather upon us, this toner will help your skin through any rough patches.

Gentle, soothing witch hazel, calming, moisturizing rosewater and anti-inflammatory tea tree oil are combined together to create a light facial toner that refreshes, hydrates, and shrinks pores.

Sensitive Skin Toner

2 tablespoons rosewater
2 tablespoons alcohol-free witch hazel
1 tablespoon distilled water
2 - 3 drops tea tree oil

Mix together in a reusable container.

Apply with a cotton ball, allow to dry, then moisturize. Store in your medicine cabinet.

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