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Cashew-Blueberry Frozen Treat

Cashew-Blueberry Frozen Treat

Looking for something sweet and creamy without refined sugars or the gums and stabilizers you’ll find in commercial frozen treats? This can be made in a blender for not too much money and after a couple of hours in the freezer, you are all set with your sweet frozen delight. I’d recommend a high-speed blender for this to get the smoothest texture, but if you don’t mind a slightly grainier texture, a regular ol’ blender should also work.

Cashew-Blueberry Frozen Treat

1 ½ cups raw cashews
½ cup water
1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen
(or fruit of your choice)
1 – 2 teaspoons vanilla
A pinch of salt

Combine all the ingredients in your blender and blend, baby, blend, until it is fully incorporated and smooth. I needed to use my blender’s tamp to get everything mashed up. Add water by the tablespoon if you need more liquid to get things moving around.

Pack in a container and freeze for a couple of hours. Scoop and enjoy!

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