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DIY Invigorating Body Wash

DIY Invigorating Body Wash

This is for when you find yourself with an empty soap bottle and you just want to put it to good use. Why should we make our own body wash when we could easily just buy it? Because making it on our own means that we are cutting down on expenses, able to use simple ingredients without fillers and we are also cutting down on plastic use and waste. For very little money, you can make a good amount of body wash, scented just as you like it. If you happen to have a place in town where you can buy bulk liquid castile soap – you might find this an eco shop or co-op – you will be reducing plastic use even more. I also like making my own home and personal care products because I am particular about scents and this particular scent combination is an energizing one that is a perfect start for your day. Use whatever you like, though.

If you happen to have an empty foaming soap bottle, you will get that nice aerated pump action but it works with either kind of bottle.

DIY Invigorating Body Wash

1 cup liquid castile soap (I like Dr. Bronner’s)
½ cup water
2 tablespoons jojoba or almond oil
15 drops eucalyptus oil
10 drops rosemary
10 drops grapefruit

Pour the soap, water, and jojoba oil into a mixing cup and then into your empty soap bottle. Pour in the essential oils, shake, and use. A little shake before each use will keep the oils and water distributed.

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