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Peanut Butter Dog Treats

Tracy's Favorite Peanut Butter Dog Treats

Ah, dog biscuits. It has bothered me for ages that my little Romeo doesn’t have a favorite treat. I mean there are bigger problems to have in the world (I also know what it’s like to live with two hounds who would knock over a garbage can without a second thought to get to the morsels inside) but I think everyone should have at least one treat that they love. At a vegan bake sale, my friend Robinlee Garber handed me a baggy of homemade dog biscuits: “Try these.” I warned her that I’d never found a biscuit Romeo liked. She simply smiled and repeated, “I want you to try these.” Well, he was hooked. (Especially if they are covered in carob.) Robinlee was right.

Robinlee is one of my favorite people in the world. With hair that is even crazier than my own, she still manages to exude a serene, peaceful but fun-loving demeanor. She and her adorable partner, Tracy, are mamas to their beloved dog, Mercy (“the Queen of Love and Beauty,” says Robinlee, and who am I to argue?), a pooch who no doubt has eaten her way through many delicious batches of these biscuits.

You want to know what else makes Robinlee fabulous? She works with Alzheimer’s patients and their families, is a wonderfully talented singer-songwriter (seriously, check her out) and she is the Goddess in Residence at the Chicago VeganMania Culture Café, working her heinie off to create a beautiful, peaceful space and great live music all the darn day long. Wow, I really like her! So would you if you knew her. She is that lovely. So try her darling Tracy’s treats for your canine friends and family and spread the love just a little more.

Makes 2 1/2 dozen

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/2 cups white flour
1/2 cup organic, all natural peanut butter
1 cup water
2 T. safflower oil

Preheat the oven to 350.

Combine the water, peanut butter and oil in a medium bowl. Add flour one cup at a time, forming a dough. Knead into a firm ball and roll into 1/4-inch thickness. Use cookie cutters to make shapes or cut into 3 - 4-inch pieces. Place biscuits on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for about 20 minutes. Once cooled, dip in melted carob for extra fancy fun.

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