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Peppermint Patty Lip Scrub
the season for dry, flaky lips but it needn’t be so. Using natural
products we can find in any home, we can get our lips moisturized,
healthy and kissably soft. (When did I become a copywriter for Glamour
magazine? Anyway...) Just as we exfoliate and moisturize our skin, we
can do the same to our lips to slough off the old, dead skin and bring
out the rosy hue and soft layer below.
This will remind you of a Peppermint Patty in a vegan scrub: a
bracingly refreshing and luscious sweet treat for your lips. (If you do
end up swallowing some, it’s not a big deal.) Store the scrub in a
small container with a lid and use a couple times every week. It’s
especially refreshing if it’s been chilled. I make this scrub in small
batches - or even as I need it, mixed in a cup with a chopstick -
because it should only store for about a week. Some people use brown
sugar or super fine sugar (Were you born in the baking aisle, ‘cause
you’re supah fine, sugar...ignore me) in their scrubs but I prefer the
bigger granules for more exfoliating action; if your lips aren’t as
chapped, maybe you can try finer granules.
You will need:
A small bowl or cup
A spoon or chopstick
Vegan lip balm
A small, airtight container
Peppermint Patty Lip Scrub
1 T. vegan sugar (read here to understand why sugar might or might not be vegan)
1/2 t. Fair Trade cacao or cocoa powder
1 t. melted coconut oil or olive oil
1/2 t. Vitamin E oil
1/4 t. vanilla extract
1/8 t. peppermint extract
Mix everything together in a small, clean bowl. Viola!
Wet your lips and pat dry. Gently rub sugar scrub on your lips in
small, circular motions. Rinse (I like to cup water in my hands and dip
my mouth in the water and blow bubbles in fresh water until it’s off),
blot dry and hydrate with vegan lip balm.
© 2014 Vegan Street

