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Petroleum-Free Chest Rub
a cold is not a lot of fun but it happens to the best of us, especially
this time of year. Growing up, whenever we had a cold, the Vicks
VapoRub would come out before we went to bed and it always felt
comforting. As a parent researching Vicks, though, I am not keen on
the idea of rubbing a petroleum product on our skin (it also contains
turpentine oil) any time, especially not when we’re under the weather.
In this version, you get the healing qualities of the essential oils
without any petroleum product, and I am hopeful this will help you get
the good night’s sleep that you deserve. This will rub on like the
stuff we grew up on, too. If you don’t have coconut oil, you can also
use just olive oil with the essential oils for a chest rub that feels
less like Vicks but works just the same. Buying essential oils is a bit
of an expense, but you can use them over and over again for a chest rub
that will be thrifty as well as limiting our purchasing of excess
plastic packaging.
This is made with coconut oil (room temperature, which means it’s solid
and soft but not melted), mixed with a liquid oil to make it a bit more
spreadable. This can go on the chest, under the nose and soles of the
feet! Please check with a doctor before using, especially when pregnant
or on children two and younger. The rosemary (an antiseptic that helps
to open breathing passageways), peppermint (opens nasal passageways)
and eucalyptus (antiseptic with antiviral and decongestant qualities)
essential oils will help you to start to feel better.
Petroleum-Free Chest Rub
1/4 cup coconut oil, softened at room temperature but not melted
1 T. olive, safflower or vitamin E oil
20 drops each: Rosemary, Peppermint and Eucalyptus essential oils (lavender and tea tree are other great options)
together in a small bowl until the coconut oil is softened and
everything is mixed together fully. Scoop into a clean glass jar with
an airtight lid - maybe a sterilized salsa jar - and store at room
temperature for up to a year. (Remember that coconut oil will melt in
the summer so store in the ‘fridge then.)
© 2014 Vegan Street

