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Quick Asparagus Refrigerator Pickles
love to can and pickle but I am one of those small batch people, even
better if I can get them quickly. Instead of the whole set-up with
boiling jars and canning apparatus, refrigerator pickles require just a
boiling of the brine and a short waiting period. The downside is unlike
canned pickles, they won’t store indefinitely and you don’t get that
same nutritious ferment, but on the plus side, you can use this formula
to pickle almost any veggies you like, from peppers and carrots to
beets and radishes, and get them in a fraction of the time with minimal
effort. Refrigerator pickles are perfect for any firm veggies,
especially those that are at their ripeness peak so they retain their
crunchy snap, and can be done with very little effort. With asparagus
on the market – yay, it’s finally Spring here! – I couldn’t wait to
make some pickles. Feel free to scale up or down as you prefer.
Speaking of great food, check out our new e-book, Fun,
Festive and Fabulous Vegan Holidays for Everyone: Recipes, Puns,
Historic Lore, Tips and More to Help You Celebrate Without Compromise, and I think you will LOVE
it. We cover ten celebrations along with more than 70 previously
published and brand-spanking-new recipes – all vegan and gluten-free –
that are designed for everyone from beginning to more experienced cooks
to recreate in their own kitchens with ingredients that are easy to
access, helping you to live it up, vegan style. Whether you’re vegan or
omnivorous, whether you celebrate certain holidays or not, you will
find dozens of really fun, delicious and damn impressive recipes to
enjoy year-round, along with puns, historic lore, advice and so much
more to keep you interested. So much value-added! Vegan Holidays for Everyone is for everyone who likes to enjoy great food without compromise.
Quick Asparagus Refrigerator Pickles
2 wide-mouth, quart-size sterilized canning jars, rings and lids
2 bunches asparagus, tough ends trimmed and short enough that they can stand upright in the jar with the lid on
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
4 teaspoons peppercorns (mixed colors looks nice)
2 tablespoons dried dill
1 tablespoon mustard seed
4 cups white vinegar
4 cups water
2 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon sugar (optional: I did not use this but good for those who like a sweeter pickle)
Stand your asparagus upright in the two jars. Split the garlic, peppercorns, dill, and mustard seed between the two jars.
In a medium pot, bring the vinegar, water, salt and optional sugar to a
boil, making sure the salt and sugar is dissolved. Pour the hot brine
into the jars; a funnel can be safest if you have one. Tap gently to
remove any air pockets, top off with any remaining brine, and tightly
seal with the lids and rings. Let the jars cool to room temperature,
then refrigerate for 24 – 48 hours, the longer, the better flavor.
Thicker asparagus stalks will especially benefit from longer pickling.
With a tight seal, these should last 3 – 4 weeks in the refrigerator.
2013-2018, Vegan Street

