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Sinus Relief Inhaling Oil Blend
I start to feel congested and achy in the nasal region, I turn to this
oil blend for instant relief. My son loves it, too. This is just
designed for inhaling but if you put a couple of drops of the blend on
a finger and firmly press in the webbing between your thumb and index
finger, this is considered an effective acupressure point for relieving
sinus pain. What I like to do is close off one nostril by pressing a
finger against it and deeply inhale the oil blend; hold my breath for
five or six seconds, then close off the nostril I just inhaled through
and exhale through the nostril that had been closed off. Go back and
forth like this between nostrils a few times, inhaling through one
nostril, holding the breath, then exhaling through the other one and
then switching off. It’s a very relaxing breathing technique and allows
you to take in the healing qualities of the essential oils.
Sinus Relief Inhaling Oil Blend
10 drops tea tree essential oil
10 drops peppermint essential oil
10 drops eucalyptus essential oil
5 drops rosemary essential oil
2 tablespoons neutral carrier oil, such as safflower oil
Pour into a small glass bottle, mix and store in a cabinet. I use an empty 1-ounce dropper bottle.
© 2015 Vegan Street

