If you would prefer a printed softbound version of When Vegans (Almost) Rule the World, you can pick one up for just $11.99 at Amazon. Kindle eBook coming soon!

Meet America's First Vegan Superhero - The Adventures of Vivian Sharpe, Vegan Superhero
Available in either softbound or Kindle/Nook/etc. eBook at Amazon

Vegan Street: The Community Web Portal of Marla Rose and John Beske

Vegan Living

Shareable Vegan Graphics
Vegan Street is in the slow process of creating a library of original electronic art that can serve as greeting cards and notes for all occasions, plus cartoons, infographics and whatever we come up with. Feel free to use these use these and share and send around all you want.

Here are some electronic Thanksgiving cards:
Best Wishes for a Vegan Thanksgiving

Don't Worry Sweet Bird. I'll protect you.

My Vegan Pie will blow your freaking mind

Here are our graphics for our Humane Halloween promotion:

Humane Halloween Trick or Treat card   Humane Halloween Trick or Treat card (fait trade)  Humane Halloween window poster
Free large-size downloads of these graphocs are available here.

witchen  Vampig

Here are some kind of sketchy Halloween-themed vegan comics:
new ghost


green Count


mad scientist

An early cartoon:

Proof plants don't feel pain

Now a couple of veganniversary cards:

Happy Veganniversary, Darling

Happy Veganniversary from the Animals

And one more sad one, for someone who has lost an animal friend,

pet loss-empty bowl

© 2013, 2014, Vegan Street

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