Free eBook  - When Vegans (Almost) Rule the World

If you would prefer a printed softbound version of When Vegans (Almost) Rule the World, you can pick one up for just $11.99 at Amazon. Kindle eBook coming soon!

Meet America's First Vegan Superhero - The Adventures of Vivian Sharpe, Vegan Superhero
Available in either softbound or Kindle/Nook/etc. eBook at Amazon

Vegan Street - The Community Web Portal of Marla Rose & John Beske

DIY Vegan Home
This page will eventually be home to a lot of great information about creating healthy, sustainable and compassionate homes, and will touch on such topics as creating your own cleaning products, as well as gardening, canning, and a wide variety of home projects. But we have to start somewhere, so here we go:

Banana-Oat Facial Masque

Stocking a Vegan Kitchen

About Us

Marla's Recipes

DIY Vegan Home

Vegan in Chicago
Restaurant Guide

Shareable Vegan Street Graphics

Vegan Feminist Agitator

(Marla's Blog)

John Beske Communications

(Vegan Advertising and Design)

The Adventures of Vivian Sharpe, Vegan Superhero
(Marla's novel)

Chicago VeganMania
(An awesome vegan festival we've helped to create)

