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15 Dining out as a vegan.
out can be intimidating for new vegans. Heck, it can be intimidating to
longtime vegans depending on the situation. Even though things have
gotten much more vegan-friendly in many communities, we are still very
much in the minority, which we can forget thanks to the bubbles of
social media. Some challenges might be living somewhere or visiting
places with very few options for vegans, or eating with people who
don’t respect or want to accommodate your dietary needs. In addition to
the recommendations here, please check out the much longer and more
comprehensive piece I wrote on this topic for Vegan Street. You will find so many great tips there from seasoned vegans around the globe.
As many parts of the world are moving more in the direction of
plant-based options being available and even abundant in some areas,
things are getting a little - or, depending on your circumstances - a
lot less challenging. In addition, we also have different apps that can
be a lot of help, taking the guesswork out of finding vegan food. As
discussed in Chapter 8, some helpful vegan dining apps to consider for your smartphone are HappyCow, Vanilla Bean, VeganXPress and Vegan Surprise, each unique and offering an invaluable amount of information. (Remember
that the information on these apps is only as good as the users, so
updating them with your discoveries, tips and reviews is going to
result in a better experience for everyone using the app.)
When dining out as a new vegan, remember that a little preparation is
always helpful. Most restaurants now have their menus online so you can
check it out before you ever go into a restaurant because if you show
up and they can’t accommodate you, there’s not much you can do. If you
have some familiarity with the menu, you’ll be better prepared. You can
also call ahead or email and ask some questions, which could reduce the
stress of ordering.
Second, as more vegan food brands are scaling up through investments
and professionalizing, it’s easier to find them in mainstream
restaurants because many now have more widespread foodservice
distribution. Asking for animal-free items by name like vegan proteins
(for example, Gardein and Beyond Meat), cheeses (like Kite Hill and Follow Your Heart), and eggs (like JUST Egg)
helps restaurants understand how they can better serve the burgeoning
market of people who are eating more plant-based. Many places don’t
know and might genuinely appreciate the help. Think of it as vegan
An invaluable skill for dining out as a vegan is learning how to skim a
non-vegan menu and figure out easy hacks for creating a good suitable
menu item if none exist. This is where having a basic familiarity with
cooking, as described in Chapter 7,
can come in handy but even non-cooks can develop this talent.
Developing some know-how for this means that you’ll be able to look at
a menu and see, for example, that maybe the chicken tacos can have the
black beans from another dish added to it to replace the meat, or that
sauteed veggies can be added to a pasta dish you order without cheese.
If a server isn’t as immediately understanding as you’d like, be
patient: sometimes they are not trying to thwart your ordering attempts
but are genuinely confused because they haven’t experienced this
before, maybe they don’t know how to ring up your order or charge you.
Explaining that you’d like to order a dish without paying for what
you’re not eating is a simple and non-confrontational way to get your
point across. Remember, especially when you are eating out with others,
it’s an opportunity to model that being vegan isn’t a hassle. I’ve had
the experience where the simple menu hacks I’ve asked for tempt people
to change their own orders. Please consider keeping it pretty simple to
be a positive experience for the server and restaurant. Major
suggestions - like adding vegan proteins to a menu or offering vegan
as-is menu items - might work best over email.
Last, one of the biggest challenges vegans face when dining out is
finding your assertiveness with dining companions. If you are dining
out with a group and a steakhouse is suggested as a possible meeting
place and you are not comfortable there or wouldn’t feel accommodated
with just a baked potato, this is your opportunity to make other
suggestions, ones that work for everyone. When dining out, if someone
at your table decides that seeing your food makes him feel guilty (“I
tried to be a vegan but…”) or reactive in some other way (“Ew! How can
people stand tofu?”) how you respond is up to you. Letting any
anti-vegans talk without reacting could result in awkwardness: not
yours, theirs. Remember always that you have nothing to defend.
< Previous page . . Next page >
Intro: Welcome new vegan!
1. Finding your way in an imperfect world
2. Make peace with making mistakes
3. Find community
4. Don't overload on disturbing videos and content
5. Develop your vegan voice and assertiveness
6. Stay strong against social pressure and gain resilience as a vegan
7. Learn how to cook, even just a little
8. Technology helps you over hurdles
9. Listen to vegan podcasts
10. Take advantage of other resources
11. The health benefits of a plant-based diet
12. Don't let yourself get famished
13. Expect that your digestive system might take a little while to get straightened out
14. Untangle and tame food cravings
15. Dining out as a vegan
16. A primer on vegan kitchen appliances, tools & gadgets
17. Bring joy to your vegan practice
2013-2018, Vegan Street

