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2 Make peace with making mistakes.
you gave up trying to ride a bicycle the first time you fell on two
wheels, or the second or third time for that matter, you’d have never
graduated from a tricycle. That’s right: You would totally be riding a
tricycle still. If mistakes or setbacks happen as you shift towards
veganism – and they will, they just will – do your best to dust
yourself off and chalk it up to a learning experience. In other words,
onward, my friend.
My first year on this path meant quite a few slip-ups as I built a
deeper core commitment as well as gained some essential know-how as a
vegan; I am very grateful that veganism was important enough to me that
I didn’t just give up. Many of us can have a very all-or-nothing
approach when we try to adopt change and developing a radically
different way of existing in the world can be challenging; it should be
expected that we’d experience some tumbles along the way. It’s also not
necessarily the easiest thing in the world to figure out the many
entrenched and complicated ways our society uses animals for our ends
and to untangle those various knots, not to mention all the persuasive
social, cultural and personal factors that compel us to return to the
familiar. It can feel like a very steep learning curve but I promise,
you will get more skilled if you stick with it, especially with a
forgiving but also unflagging attitude of determination.
“Progress, not perfection” is a cliché but it serves as a great
reminder that veganism is not about our egos but our sincere efforts to
live in alignment with our values of compassion, justice and creating
least harm. It’s not about crossing a finish line to cheering crowds
and winning a medal; it’s about being committed to doing our best,
being humble and willing to forgive and learn. An all-or-nothing
attitude has undermined many well-intentioned people. Beating yourself
up for accidentally eating honey, for example, will not end animal
agribusiness. Quitting because you made a mistake, however, will
assuredly reinforce the oppressive systems you are against. I can tell
you quite honestly that even after nearly 22-years as a vegan, I am not
perfect at it. I don’t expect I will ever be, that’s how deep this
stuff goes. Veganism is a practice, though, and as a practice, it gets
easier and easier the longer we do it.
Get back on that bike.
< Previous page . . Next page>
Intro: Welcome new vegan!
1. Finding your way in an imperfect world
2. Make peace with making mistakes
3. Find community
4. Don't overload on disturbing videos and content
5. Develop your vegan voice and assertiveness
6. Stay strong against social pressure and gain resilience as a vegan
7. Learn how to cook, even just a little
8. Technology helps you over hurdles
9. Listen to vegan podcasts
10. Take advantage of other resources
11. The health benefits of a plant-based diet
12. Don't let yourself get famished
13. Expect that your digestive system might take a little while to get straightened out
14. Untangle and tame food cravings
15. Dining out as a vegan
16. A primer on vegan kitchen appliances, tools & gadgets
17. Bring joy to your vegan practice
2013-2018, Vegan Street

