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12 Don't let yourself get famished.
Whether this means having a snack with you if you know you’ll be
somewhere without food or making sure you speak to your dining needs
when dining out with friends, these first few months especially, it’s
really important that you don’t leave yourself high and dry, or low and
starving, when hunger hits. I don’t know about you, but I know for
myself, when I am hungry, I can’t always be trusted to make the best
decisions. Or, you know, be the nicest person. Taking care of yourself
could mean keeping your kitchen stocked so you have food on hand for a quick and easy meal,
it could mean that you download some of those apps mentioned above so
you’ll always know where to find vegan food, or it could mean keeping a
nutrition bar in your purse or glove box in case of emergencies. Part
of how you can successfully navigate early veganism is to show up for
yourself by anticipating your needs and making sure they are met.
< Previous page . . Next page >
Intro: Welcome new vegan!
1. Finding your way in an imperfect world
2. Make peace with making mistakes
3. Find community
4. Don't overload on disturbing videos and content
5. Develop your vegan voice and assertiveness
6. Stay strong against social pressure and gain resilience as a vegan
7. Learn how to cook, even just a little
8. Technology helps you over hurdles
9. Listen to vegan podcasts
10. Take advantage of other resources
11. The health benefits of a plant-based diet
12. Don't let yourself get famished
13. Expect that your digestive system might take a little while to get straightened out
14. Untangle and tame food cravings
15. Dining out as a vegan
16. A primer on vegan kitchen appliances, tools & gadgets
17. Bring joy to your vegan practice
2013-2018, Vegan Street

